Give us a call

Please call +1(813)9973124 or message at this number. We will schedule a meeting to discuss your request.

Lets talk design

The design that best fits the look of your business! We talk more about colors, materials, the logo, and accessories.


At the end, we send you the offer, a product sample, and the delivery time. Once approved by you, our team starts working on your order right away.

Bring life to your uniforms

    Personalize your uniforms

    Our priority customization service for aprons or kitchen jackets is available starting from 20 units.

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    Letter from Fërfër

    FËRFËR embarked on its journey in 2016. With the expansion of bars, restaurants in Pristina, and investments in the interior, the idea of tailored aprons was born, designed to complement the appearance of the establishment. This made FËRFËR unique and introduced a new service in the Kosovar market. The tailored aprons were well-received and greatly appreciated by gastronomers, leading to subsequent demands from other cities in Kosovo, followed by requests from Albania, the European diaspora, and the USA.

    Speaking of our expansion, We are excited to share that FËRFËR has now transformed into a global brand, making its mark in locations worldwide, including the beautiful state of Florida and across the United States!